
Copyright 2024 - Siborg Srl Via Livorno,60 - 10144 Torino (TO) - ITALIA - Tel. +39 011 2257331 - P.IVA/CF: IT08875350012 - CAPITALE SOCIALE: € 10.000 i.v. - REA TO 1006848 - SDI: KRRH6B9

Legionella pneumophila (L. pneumophila) is an opportunistic waterborne pathogen and the causative agent for Legionnaires' disease, which is transmitted to humans via inhalation of contaminated water droplets. The bacterium is able to colonize a variety of man-made water systems such as cooling towers, spas, and dental lines and is widely distributed in multiple niches, including several species of protozoa In addition to survival in planktonic phase, L. pneumophila is able to survive and persist within multi-species biofilms that cover surfaces within water systems. Biofilm formation by L. pneumophila is advantageous for the pathogen as it leads to persistence, spread, resistance to treatments and an increase in virulence of this bacterium. Furthermore, Legionellosis outbreaks have been associated with the presence of L. pneumophila in biofilms, even after the extensive chemical and physical treatments.


We can to propose an automatic anti-legionella microbiological control system



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